
The goal is for employees to have a high sense of wellness all the time. For Castellum, this is a matter of promoting health, well-being and improved productivity. And of the company being characterised by equality and diversity.

Strategic areas of focus

Castellum is responsible for all of its employees having a high sense of wellness. To succeed, Castellum is structurally engaged in proactively boosting employee health, preventing risks, and avoiding work-related injuries and accidents, where the goal is to achieve:

  • a safe and accident-free workplace
  • a healthy workplace with a good work environment
  • a workplace where no employees, suppliers or contractors are injured physically or mentally, or fall sick owing to their work
Ongoing targets Ouctome 2022

<2 per cent short-term sick leave.

1.3 per cent

<3 per cent long-term sick leave.

1.6 per cent

Zero workplace injuries and work-related illness among employees and suppliers.

41 injuries

Increased share of anonymised recruitments.

74 per cent1)


Target 2025 Outcome 2022

40 to 60 per cent equality among all occupational categories.

Women 42 per cent

Men 58 per cent

20 per cent of Castellum’s employees will have international backgrounds.

10 per cent

1. The procedure was implemented in 2022. Increases/decreases will be monitored going forward.