

The economy in the Nordic region weakened in 2022 as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Inflation, already high, rose in pace with the increase in energy prices and the rise in interest rates. The property industry has been impacted by the worsening economic situation, with rising costs of financing and a weaker bond market.

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Castellum has a large customer portfolio consisting of approximately 8,000 commercial leases. The spread of tenants, as well as types and geographic locations of premises, is broad. Exposure to individual tenants is low and the proportion of stable tenants such as players in the public sector – state and municipal entities – is increasing, as are customers who sign green leases.

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The pandemic enabled changes to behaviour and expectations, which greatly impacted how we view work, work methods and our workplaces. Castellum is on the leading edge, working continually on developing its customer offering using tools such as digitalisation to meet a changing business environment.

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Local presence

Castellum has a local presence in attractive growth regions in Sweden as well as Copenhagen and Helsinki, which creates close relationships with its tenants. Moreover, Castellum has gained exposure to the Norwegian market through its associated company Entra. Being on location means that Castellum has a good understanding of the market and can offer premises that are suited to its tenants’ needs.

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Properties and projects

Castellum is the Nordic region’s leading commercial property company, and one of the companies that owns the most properties in the Nordic region. Our portfolio is focused on attractive growth regions in Sweden as well as Copenhagen and Helsinki. Through the associated company Entra, Castellum is also exposed to robust areas in Norway. Castellum is also developing its own in-house development portfolio.

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Castellum climate adapts properties

All of society is affected by the climate crisis. The property industry is facing particularly severe challenges. However, the risk of damage can be reduced through proactive climate initiatives. Castellum is showing the way.

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