Business environment and strategy

Business environment trends

2022 was a turbulent year, with the war in Ukraine, record-high inflation and an economic slowdown. Despite a sharp focus on liquidity and cost control, the company continued to develop the workplaces of the future for existing and prospective tenants.

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Beyond expectations

Castellum works continually to meet the rapid changes in its business environment. Through dialogue with tenants and by listening to research, innovative and healthy work environments are being developed that facilitate flexible approaches and a sustainable working life.

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A strategy that creates value

Castellum’s strategy is based on three perspectives: the company, the tenants, and the community. The focus is on further strengthening relations with priority customer segments, developing our customer offering, and improving our asset and development portfolios.

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Re-use in historic Kungsholmen

New construction material should be re-usable to extend the lifetime of a product and reduce climate impact. Starting in 2022, Castellum will work with re-use in all construction projects.

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