I nedanstående tabell redovisas hänvisningar till information för respektive EPRA-indikator.
EPRA-code |
Indicator |
GRI Standard Indicator |
Reference |
Environmental Sustainability Performance Measures |
Elec-Abs |
Total electricity consumption |
Elec-LfL |
Like-for-like total electricity consumption |
DH&C-Abs |
Total district heating & cooling consumption |
DH&C-LfL |
Like-for-like total district heating & cooling consumption |
Fuels-Abs |
Total fuel consumption |
Fuels-LfL |
Like-for-like total fuel consumption |
Energy-Int |
Building energy intensity |
302-3/CRE1 |
GHG-Dir-Abs |
Total direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions |
GHG-Indir-Abs |
Total indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions |
GHG-Int |
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity from building energy consumption |
305-4 /CRE3 |
Water-Abs |
Total water consumption |
Water-LfL |
Like-for-like total water consumption |
Water-Int |
Building water intensity |
Waste-Abs |
Total weight of waste by disposal route |
Waste-LfL |
Like-for-like total weight of waste by disposal route |
Cert-Tot |
Type and number of sustainably certified assets |
Social Performance Measures |
Diversity-Emp |
Employee gender diversity |
Diversity-Pay |
Gender pay ratio |
Emp-Training |
Training and development |
Organisation och medarbetare |
Emp-Dev |
Employee performance appraisals |
Organisation och medarbetare |
Emp-Turnover |
New hires and turnover |
H&S-Emp |
Employee health and safety |
H&S-Asset |
Asset health and safety assessments |
H&S-Comp |
Asset health and safety compliance |
Comty-Eng |
Community engagement, impact assessments and development programmes |
Governance Performance Measures |
Gov-Board |
Composition of the highest governance body |
Gov-Select |
Nominating and selecting the highest governance body |
Gov-CoI |
Process for managing conflicts of interest |